Monday, April 25, 2011

The Future of Media

The future of media, literature, comic and game.
In this post I want to talk a little about my personal view on the future of media, literature, comic and game. Personally I can’t really separate any of them with others, as they all have part of each other. Video game, or even paper top game normally has a story which drives the plot of imagination, and that’s literature. Comic, especially graphic comic is basically literature with fancy images, and they are all form of media.
I believe that in the future the different between each of them will be less and less noticeable. Student will be playing game for its greatly written story, and people will be reading more and more books with images. I think today’s world is full of information, data and knowledge, and it will be harder and harder for people to accept information without any visual help. Voice, sound and music will become more and more popular in form of media. Comic, especially online comic will likely to have sound effects or even theme sound to enhance the reader’s experience.
I believe in the future the goal of media will no longer be to deliver the message, but how to make people to accept that message. It will be like trying to read a 3,000 words paper in 5 sec; you can only get that much out of it. People are going to live in a world that they will see lots of advertisement, commercial, shots and images every day. The goal of the media artists will be to create things that people can get it as fast as possible. Shorter the better and faster the viewer can get the message the faster he can move on to the next 3,000 words.
As a game design major student, I can see gaming and net working is moving closer and closer. It’s all about connecting people together, and playing game is one of the easiest way to build friendship with others. I also see the potential of advertising and gaming working side by side. Video game can create a perfect digital market that concentrates all the same type of people together, and this will be create for any marketing or advertisement that’s designed to aim for a specific group of consumers.

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